For adults only

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Elpída by C. Kennedy

When I sit down to read a book by C. Kennedy I know one thing for sure. The story will not disappoint. But there was something else I knew when I sat down to read Elpída, the third and final book in the Elpída Series by C. Kennedy, as with all the books in this series I knew I was going to be taken on an emotional rollercoaster.

As in books one and two of the series (Omorphi and Tharros), this third book follows Christy, a young man who has been horrifically abused, and his boyfriend Michael. Don’t get me wrong, there are a host of other characters who are integral to the story, but for now, I’m going to focus on Christy and Michael.

I can’t imagine what it would be like to go through what Christy has gone through. Yet I know in my head, and statistics support it, that thousands of children are physically and sexually abused daily. In this series Mr. Kennedy brings us Christy, who is living in the aftermath of such abuse. It’s important to note that while the abuse is discussed in part, there is no actual abuse written on the page. That is huge. Thank you, Mr. Kennedy, for not sensationalizing the horrors these kids go through.

We read on as Christy works hard to work through what’s been done to him while he fights to build a new life for himself. It is a struggle of epic proportions that will leave you in awe of Christy’s spirit and fortitude. I won’t lie, it hurts. It hurts to know that people can be so horrific to one another. Mr. Kennedy does not sugar-coat the strength of will it takes Christy to work at being happy. And there is happy. This book is full of happy spots that will make you smile and laugh.

Then we have Michael, who loves Christy with his whole heart. Michael is so kind and so patient. Before reading this series I never gave much thought to those that love, care for, advocate for, and help counsel abused kids. But I have to say, as I read this book I gained insight and respect for those who work to help these kids rebuild themselves. Michael is not perfect, which is part of what makes him so endearing. He’s your everyday high school graduate, with a heart of gold and who is a fierce protector of those he loves.

There are a host of other fantastic characters that are just as important to the story as Christy and Michael and if you’ve read books one and two, you are familiar with many. If you’ve only read this book in the series you are also familiar with most of them. (If I wrote about each of them this review would go on forever! The characters are all that amazing!)

I will briefly touch upon two other characters. In Elpída we finally get to meet Thimi, whom Christy has known forever and who was abused along with Christy. We also meet Zero. Both of these new boys reside at the Wellington Ranch. I don’t want to give away any spoilers, but I will tell you that more than once, Thimi broke my heart and I literally cried over what had happened to him, but that little guy is a fighter and I have great hope for his future.

That one word.

Hope. ElpÍda.

Is what leads me to the conclusion of this review.

Hope. Elpída.

This series was written by the author for the boys he advocates for. This book shows that hope is alive. Sometimes all we have is hope. Isn’t that what we all want? Hope? Hope for a life filled with happiness. Hope for a life far away from pain and fear? This book, no THIS SERIES, supplies that hope in spades. A profound thank you to C. Kennedy for this series of books--We can all use that hope in our lives.

“Always remember that abuse does not define you. Never judge yourself by what others have done to you.” ~Cody Kennedy, Author of the Elpída Series.

“While there is life, there is hope, little brother. Christy.” 
~Cody Kennedy, Author of the Elpída Series

My rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️